Put Away Your Measuring Stick

Not long ago, my husband Caleb and I took our kids to an amusement park. As we approached the entrance to one ride, we found a measuring stick with a line leading up to it. We quickly realized that this stick was used to determine who was tall enough to ride.

We got in line, and when it was our turn our youngest child, Lizzy, stepped up beside it, even stepping up on her tiptoes to try and reach the mark. She was discouraged when realized she was not tall enough to ride. With tears in her eyes she exclaimed, “I don’t measure up Mommy, I don’t measure up!”

My heart sank when I saw her expression. I tried to distract her (as moms learn to do so well) and told her that there were other rides designed just for kids her size! We quickly took her to a ride her size, and she forgot all about it.

We moved on with our day, but her words stayed in my mind. I kept hearing the phrase, “I don’t measure up.” I began to think about how many times we women (myself included) can get out our own imaginary measuring stick and compare ourselves with others. It could be someone we admire at church, down the street, or even online who seems to have the perfect life.

I think it often happens when God speaks something to our hearts that seems impossible in the natural. Have you ever been there? In a place where you think, “Do I have what it takes to do this? I know God can do it for others, but can He do it in and through my life?”

We must recognize that those are lies from the enemy that try to hold us back in places of complacency, mediocrity and fear. The Bible says we are not to compare ourselves to others (2 Corinthians 10:12).

Today, I want to remind you that you are created for a divine purpose and have a unique race to run. Don’t put limits on what God can do in and through you. Remember that whatever He calls you to do, He will give you the grace to do it! With HIM all things are possible!

In the past, God has spoken to me many times about stepping out in faith. He has wanted me to believe Him to build children’s rescue homes overseas and to plant a church with my husband. It seemed daunting at the time, but He assured me, “I’m just looking for someone to believe me and take steps of faith.” Sure enough, as I would take the next right step, He would meet us with more vision, direction and provision for the work He had called us to.

Step by step, God is always faithful if we will keep our eyes on Him and follow His lead. 2 Corinthians 3:5 says,We are not sufficient in ourselves.  Our sufficiency (strength and ability) is in JESUS! He has made us competent as ministers of the new covenant. Not of the letter, but of the Spirit; for the letter kills but the spirit gives life."

When you look at women in the Bible God used to do great things, they all could have pulled out their measuring sticks. Mary, the mother of Jesus, was just a young ordinary teenager, but if she were here today she would tell you, "God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things for His glory!"

Sarah, Abraham's wife, was past the age of childbearing when God spoke to her that she was going to have a child. In the natural it was impossible, but God was faithful to fulfill His promise in her life by giving her Isaac! I believe if she were here, she would tell you that there are NO expiration dates to the promises of God. You are not too old or too young to be used by Him.

Even in the genealogy of Jesus, many of the women listed are women who previously had dark pasts (Matthew 1). If they were here, I am certain they would tell you that God can use you regardless of your past. When we surrender our lives to Him, He gives beauty for ashes and works all things together for good. 

So the question I have for you today is this: in what area of life do you feel that you don’t measure up? You may feel it as a student, a wife, a mom, a leader, an employee, a grandma, or in some other area. If you do, I want to encourage you that His grace will fill in the space you are lacking. Allow Him to strengthen you and equip you to fulfill everything that He has called you to, and remember: It’s time to throw away the measuring stick!

About Sarah Wehrli

Sarah passionate about encouraging people in the call of God for their lives. Her ministry is focused on evangelizing the lost, equipping leaders and bringing practical relief to orphans and children at risk in Asia. Sarah is the daughter of Pastors Billy Joe and Sharon Daugherty. She ministers throughout the world with her husband, Caleb, and two children, Isaac and Elizabeth.